Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Recycled Outcome

Here are the photos from our last Sunday reveal catch up. They once again (for the 5th time) they look amazing. Some are a tad fuzzy, sorry for the poor photography.

Maree Schroder

Maree Turnier

Mary Raleigh

Wendy Lang

Sheena Brock

Marj Peirson

Lynn Rowe

Carol Lindale

Donna Ward

Eileen Greenfield

Ashleigh Ward

Bev Buttler


  1. Wow what an amazing array of quilts! Fantastic. I have emailed a group photo to NZ Quilter & heard from Anne Scott. She said the Recycled issue is October so our photo will be included!!Exciting!

  2. Can someone please post a blog or comment!I haven't been able to get any email notification of new posts.Have just spent ages trying to get it to, but not sure if I've succeeded yet!!Cheers.

  3. Its great to hear we are spreading our horizons to the NZ Quilter. Thanks for that Maree. Busy trying to finish my "Splash of colour" and thinking about "song" and trying to finish one year old grandson's quilt. So quite busy here.

  4. Ha sounds about the same here!I'm trying hard to finish my "Splash of Colour" too!!Miraculously I have even started some of my 12x12,tempting to keep going with that but Splash deadline is a lot sooner!!
